4 September 2024

Supportive Relationships, Self-Coaching, Personal Development: Which Path to Choose?

When considering personal development, self-coaching, or seeking a supportive relationship, the initial choice may not be as decisive as it seems. It’s important to recognize that, at some point, it can be both beneficial and healthy to evolve independently or to change the mode of support to avoid developing any form of dependency.


When Is It Time to Seek Psychological Help?

Two main criteria can determine when it becomes appropriate to seek psychological help: desire and need.

Desire refers to a personal preference, an intrinsic will to continue the journey alone or to seek guidance.

Need relates to the emotional and psychological state, where it becomes crucial to distinguish between what one wants and what one truly needs for well-being.


Journeying Alone: For Whom and Why?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to journey alone. It could be due to a need for reflection, taking a break, or making changes independently. If one feels balanced and confident in their judgment, a solo introspective journey can be considered, with the understanding that help can be sought if necessary, thereby reinforcing autonomy.


Support: When Is It Necessary?

Support becomes relevant when an individual can no longer answer their own questions and feels the need for validation or a deeper understanding of their internal workings. Support might be necessary in times of imbalance or confusion, such as when someone feels overwhelmed by emotions or overloaded with personal or professional responsibilities. In such situations, seeking assistance may be wise.


Experiment, Observe, Adjust

Several factors can influence the choice between a solo journey or seeking support, such as finances, time, distance, fear of the unknown, or difficulty finding the right resource. The answer to this question often lies somewhere between the two approaches. It’s essential to remain open to experimentation, to try different methods, and to observe what works best. Over time, desires will become clearer, and needs will be more defined.


Whether being guided by a therapist, a life coach, or taking a solo approach, it’s important to follow one’s intuition, to trust oneself, and to allow for changes in direction if needed. Personal development is an evolving process, requiring continuous adaptation to changing needs.

Discover the resources of RITMA therapists here.

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