RITMA Osteopaths Association was established in 2007 and is open to all osteopathic graduates and candidates to osteopathic diploma.
In 2024, it represents nearly 1100 osteopaths out of a community of approximately 3000 osteopaths in Quebec.
The association's primary mission is to certify the training of its member osteopaths in collaboration with quality teaching centers whose curriculum meets the WHO's criteria.
The promotion of osteopathy, governmental representations as well as support to members are part of our daily work. For several years, we have been working hard to support our members in the creation of a professional order.
RITMA Osteopaths Association has very rigorous eligibility criteria and advocates the supervision of practices and the establishment of high training standards.
It is governed by a code of ethics and regulations that members are required to respect.
It also advocates that all its members hold Errors and Omissions insurance. For the protection of its members and the public.
RITMA Osteopaths Association is a member of the Groupe RITMA.
Osteopathic treatment are aimed at restoring and preserving the balance between structure and function within the different systems of the human body.
This specialty is defined by its global approach, which allows for an evaluation of the mechanical and functional systems as well as posture. Osteopathic treatments involve specific manual maneuvers based on the results of this assessment.
Because osteopathy addresses the functional pathologies, it utilizes and recognizes the need for a medical evaluation to establish the eventual organisms of the existing pathology.
RITMA requires that the applicant possess an equivalence diploma or have successfully completed a training in osteopathic studies.
As of August 2019, there is no Order of Osteopaths in Quebec and this profession is not legislated. The Office des professions has also issued a press release to this effect and invites people to exercise good judgment when it comes to creating an order. Associations such as RITMA, Ostéopathie Québec, as well as all the other groups of Osteopaths do not have legal authority.
RITMA Osteopaths Association is open to all graduates, who work in the field of Osteopathy within the province of Quebec.
If you graduated in osteopathy, RITMA Osteopath Association offers you the opportunity to become a member.
The public system, under the responsibility of Quebec's Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education, does not offer osteopathic training. There is therefore no state program for training in this profession. Training to become an osteopath is provided by private schools, colleges and osteopathic training centers.
The professional school providing osteopathic training will teach the techniques, touches, manipulations and movements as well as the skills inherent in the profession. The osteopath will have a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. The full osteopathic curriculum normally lasts between 4 and 6 years, depending on the school (+ - 4200 hours),
The second course is aimed at professionals already working in the healthcare field. The length of training may therefore vary according to the content of each professional's initial training.
Some schools require the submission of a thesis. A variety of training programs are offered at provincial, national and international levels.
As in universities, some theoretical courses may be given, but vigilance is required for online osteopathy courses, distance learning or correspondence courses, given the type of skills to be developed in manual technique maneuvers. The curriculum must comply with World Health Organization standards.
Osteopathic courses comprise a theoretical component and a practical or clinical competency-based component.
Upon graduation, osteopaths become autonomous professionals and can practice in an established private clinic, often multidisciplinary, or open their own office. Increasingly, osteopaths are joining clinics to work collegially with other health professionals.
Qualified osteopaths will be able to practice across Canada, as osteopathy is increasingly in demand.
To meet RITMA's eligibility criteria, every osteopathic school or educational institute must offer a comprehensive training program.
Several osteopathy courses are offered in Quebec. The college or academy that offers training in osteopathy must integrate hours of practical and theoretical training as well as knowledge of the administrative sector such as professional ethics, deontology and management.
The osteopathic study includes a component of touch techniques, but also the in-depth study of the anatomy and functioning of the entire human body.
We invite you to discuss at length with the managers before choosing your training center.
The curriculum is important, but so is the vision and the school of thought.
RITMA's criteria are based on those of the World Health Organization.
Lettre adressée à l’Office des profession juillet 2019
Encadrement de l'Ostéopathie – Office des professions 2017
Encadrement de l'Ostéopathie – Office des professions 2015
Position de l'ÉPOQ | École professionnelle des ostéopathes du Québec 2017
Les associations d’ostéopathes québécois se concertent
Montréal, le 23 août 2019 – À l’initiative du Groupe RITMA, qui regroupe à elle seule plus de 650 ostéopathes québécois, les représentants des associations qui rassemblent la grande majorité des ostéopathes de la province se sont réunis, mercredi soir, afin de faire le point sur la situation de l’ostéopathie au Québec et de discuter de manières de s’unir pour demander au gouvernement provincial d’agir afin de protéger les praticiens et les bénéficiaires de cette approche.
Cliquez ici pour lire le communiqué complet
Clarifications dans les dossiers d’un ordre professionnel en ostéopathie
D'abord, l'Association des ostéopathes RITMA tient à vous faire suivre les résultats de son échange courriel de la semaine dernière avec Thierry Fournier, conseiller politique au cabinet de la ministre de la Justice, Madame Sonia LeBel, qui fait suite à des échanges téléphoniques entre RITMA et le cabinet. Vous verrez que Monsieur Fournier, responsable du dossier de l'ordre professionnel des ostéopathes, clarifie noir sur blanc certaines information fausses véhiculées ces derniers temps.
Ci-dessous les extraits textuels pertinents des questions Q et réponses R de cet échange, en date du 5 mai dernier.
Cliquez-ici pour lire la suite
Juin 2019 -
En réaction à l’article paru hier en lien avec le jugement rendu par le Juge Lavergne contre des collègues ostéopathes, vous trouverez, en pièce jointe, la réaction de RITMA.
Notez que notre réaction se limitera à ce communiqué.
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1 All features, functions, eligible professions and related benefits that allow the customer to pay only the portion not covered by their insurer are inherent to the TELUS Health platform. Some insurers may not support them. For more details, consult the eClaims FAQ.
2 Survey results were obtained by PMG Intelligence for TELUS Health from 1,122 Canadian healthcare professionals using eClaims (September 5-19, 2018).