17 October 2023

A Natural Approach to Stress Management? Naturopathy

Stress, particularly chronic stress, has become a generalized phenomenon in our modern society. In this fast-paced world, anxiety seems to overwhelm us, and peace of mind eludes us.

Stress is a physiological response of the body to situations involving life and safety. During this reaction, necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the body, the body accelerates its metabolism and releases neurotransmitters and hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) to mobilize its physical capacities as much as possible in order to fight or escape.

This primal reaction was originally designed for one-off events. However, today the sources of stress differ, often being continuous. Thus, the body remains in a state of chronic stress, going through various phases until total exhaustion.

Discover how naturopathy can help you manage stress, allowing you to find serenity on a daily basis.


Naturopathy and Stress: Understanding the Natural Approach

In naturopathy, stress is a concern frequently raised during consultations. In naturopathy, the fundamental principle is to systematically identify the source of the problem in order to remedy it, in this case, the origin of stress. It is important to ask yourself some essential questions:

What is stressing me out? Work, family, mental load, a particular event, or something else?

Do I have a predisposition to stress? Is this a characteristic of my personality, making me anxious over even minor events? Am I prone to anxiety?

How am I emotionally? Sad, irritated, angry, nostalgic, depressed, afraid, weary, tired, morally exhausted, or disgusted?

By answering these questions, it becomes possible to better understand the areas to work on to manage stress. Naturopathy draws on this understanding to promote effective stress management.


Personal Development can be an important tool to act on the cause of stress

Once the source of stress is identified, a naturopath can help you take direct action to resolve the problem, encouraging you to have a different look at your world. This introspection can lead to concrete solutions to overcome stress. Here are some questions to consider:

What bothers me about this situation?

What do I no longer want?

What do I wish for?

The solutions for change are varied and depend on the true aspirations of each person. The role of the naturopath is not to provide ready-made answers, but to help everyone find their own solutions, those that suit best.

Naturopathy is not limited to herbal medicine; it aims for a deeper transformation.


Adapt Stress Management Methods to each profile

Understanding how your body works is necessary to determine the best methods to temporarily relieve stress. What are you looking for? Calm and relaxation? In this case, yoga, breathing and meditation can be excellent natural techniques to calm the mind and better manage stressful situations.

Need to decompress? Sport can be the solution: an intense activity that gets rid of the negative things you carry on a daily basis, activities like boxing, CrossFit, HIIT, running or weight training, walking, swimming, etc.

It is important to note that everyone finds their own method because naturopathy promotes an individualized approach to stress management.


Digestion and diet must be addressed in stress management

Naturopathy places great importance on diet in managing stress.

To be more serene and better manage stressful situations with calm and perspective, your nervous system must be able to produce the neurotransmitters necessary for its proper functioning: serotonin (well-being), GABA (serenity), dopamine (motivation), noradrenaline (memorization/concentration) and acetylcholine (creativity).

Diet can provide essential elements for the production of these neurotransmitters, such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and essential fatty acids.


Taking care of your Microbiota

The connection between the gut and the brain is well established, and naturopathy takes this link into account when managing stress. Many neurotransmitters are synthesized in the digestive tract. To maintain a healthy balance in your digestive system and gut microbiota, a naturopath can advise you on dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes.

Healthy lifestyle for balance

Improving sleep, maintaining a regular eating routine, and physical exercise contribute to better management of daily stress. Your naturopath will guide you towards new habits to promote serenity. Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to stress management, rebalancing all aspects of your life.


Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy

Plants and essential oils can help manage stress. The naturopath directs you towards those that suit you best based on your profile and your state of mind. However, it is crucial to use these resources carefully and to check that they do not present any contraindications.


Finding the Suitable Bach Flower

Bach flower essences are widely used in naturopathy. They act on the emotional state and state of mind to transform them in a positive way. Once you and your naturopath have identified your state of mind, you can find the Bach flower that best suits your needs to improve your emotional state and adapt your reactions to stress.

Thus, naturopathy offers a complete approach to act on the cause of stress, adapt your lifestyle, and use temporary aids to move forward with serenity.

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